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Seirei Christopher University Email Newsletter No.3 (December 2020)

1. Classes
1a. “Interprofessional Exercise” class for AY2020 was carried out
A special course called “Interprofessional Exercise” was carried out over four days from Monday, September 14 to Friday, September 18 (except Wednesday). This is one of the unique courses at SCU for fourth-year students to take as an elective.

The purpose of this course is to reaffirm the learning and experience of each student from a different focus than their specialized profession, conduct case studies with students from other schools, experience actual interprofessional work, and understand its significance and practical methods.

After the orientation on the first day, students in the School of Nursing and the School of Social Work and professors in the School of Rehabilitation Sciences gave presentations about “Learning related to the certification that each of us has learned”, “What we felt and thought through learning” and “What we think interprofessional work is”. After that, students received a mini lecture given by a professor, and examined and created examples of interprofessional work in each group. Students had a lot of discussions in each group about how they could approach patients, clients, and their families, and how to collaborate with other professionals.

On the last day, each group made presentations with role plays and shared their learning achievements and thoughts about “the ideal interprofessional work”.

Through this course, students understood each other beyond their professional fields and gained further insight into the essence and ideals of interprofessional work.

Original article in Japanese (University Blog): https://www.seirei.ac.jp/news/detail.php?CN=302581
Original article in Japanese (School of Social Work Blog): https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/ss/2020/09/post-ac2b.html

1b. Community Practice Active Learning I Debriefing (Department of Physical Therapy)
Original article in Japanese (University Blog): https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/pt/2020/09/no4972no22020-4927.html

1c. Standard Precautions Practice (Department of Occupational Therapy)
Original article in Japanese: https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/ot/2020/10/859standard-pre-a04b.html

1d. Pediatric Nursing Practicum: Practicum I at Kodomoen (Nursery School) for Pediatric Nursing Practicum and Self-Training for Pediatric Nursing Technique has begun (School of Nursing)
Original article in Japanese: https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/ns/2020/10/post-5d20.html

1e. Cancer Screening Reception Campaign was held
Original article in Japanese: https://www.seirei.ac.jp/news/detail.php?CN=304568

1f. Childcare Teaching Professional Exercise for fourth-year students (Department of Child Education and Social Work)
Original article in Japanese: https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/sn/2020/10/4-7568.html

2. Events / Student Activities
2a. Collaboration Project with Hamamatsu City 1: Dementia Prevention Lecture at Shinzu Cooperation Center (Department of Occupational Therapy)
The first program was held at Shinzu Cooperation Center on September 14. The title was “Let’s exercise the hippocampus to prevent dementia!!” Two third-year students and three second-year students hosted this program.

The program was designed to be easily understood, and the participants paid close attention and were very interested. They made comments indicating their understanding. It was impressive to see the growth of the students.

We will hold four more lectures this year depending on the needs of the local community and contribute to the community through the Collaboration Project with the City of Hamamatsu.

Original article in Japanese: https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/ot/2020/09/854in-2b07.html
Original article in Japanese (Chunichi Shinbun Shizuoka Web): https://www.chunichi.co.jp/article/120982

2b. Zoom Chat with Michelle Harrison from San Diego State University (Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapy)
Original article in Japanese and English: https://blg.seirei.ac.jp/st/2020/10/san-diego-state-3622.html

2c. Renewal of MOU with Singapore Institute of Technology
SCU renewed its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) on September 26, 2020. Since we first concluded the MOU in 2017, SCU and SIT have been actively involved in activities such as student exchange programs in Department of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and research activities at the Seirei International Research Conference.

We had an online signing ceremony on October 5. From SCU, seven representatives including Professor Shohei Ohgi (President), Professor Naohito Shingu (Dean, School of Rehabilitation Sciences), Assistant Professor Tatsuya Suzuki, and Assistant Professor Daiki Takahashi attended. From SIT, nine representatives including Professor Tan Thiam Soon (President) and Professor Alan Wong Wai Pong (Health and Social Sciences Cluster Director) joined the ceremony.

Presidents and Deans from both universities expressed their appreciation for our rewarding partnership and their expectation for continued activities in the future.

Original article in Japanese and English: https://www.seirei.ac.jp/iess/news/detail.php?CN=303800

3. Extra
3a. International Baccalaureate (IB) lecture was held (Department of Child Education and Social Work)
Department of Child Education and Social Work held an IB lecture on Saturday, October 10. The purpose of this lecture was to deepen understanding of “IB”, which the department has arranged to use to train elementary school teachers who can respond to the international community. The lecture was held online (Zoom) due to the approach of Typhoon 14.

This year, Professor Kando Eriguchi (School of Education at Tamagawa University) gave a lecture about “Teacher Training in Japan: Proposals from IB Teacher Training started by Seirei Christopher University”. Following the lecture, we invited Ms. Erika Drago (International Director and IB Course Director, Musashino University Chiyoda High School) and Ms. Arisa Okada, Ms. Hina Kurihara, and Ms. Yuzuka Mogi who graduated from IB World Schools as panelists. We discussed the topic of “Receiving an IB Education”.

After the discussion, we had a Q&A session and participants asked questions about why they chose to study at IB World School and differences in thinking with friends who received a traditional Japanese education.

Original article in Japanese: https://www.seirei.ac.jp/event/detail.php?CN=303999

3b. School of Nursing Simulation Education Website was launched
Original article in Japanese: https://www.seirei.ac.jp/news/detail.php?CN=302745
Simulation education website (Japanese): https://www.seirei.ac.jp/simulation/index.php

3c. Social Worker Lecture was held (Department of Social Work)
Original article in Japanese: https://www.seirei.ac.jp/event/detail.php?CN=303996